Are you Living your Lifetime?

The whole concept of sharing my thoughts on life , why I moved across the country and why I am exploring as many wild places & people as possible in addition is best summed up by visualizing this photo of  Big Lonely Doug  that I took last year.

Big Lonely Doug of Port Renfrew

Big Lonely Doug of Port Renfrew


Now that you are thinking of this majestic old growth tree the quote to follow may just sink a bit deeper. I reflected this morning as a friend wrote in a discussion forum that I frequent. The discussions there focus our changing lives to spend more time searching out our passions and reaching financial freedom to do so.

Nothing has resonated so deeply we me in some time, this both inspires me and gives me a kick in the pants to be a Mindful Steward and share the love of life with others. This is a bit more of how I feel and the direction I am headed.

My blog is about all of  YOU that follow me and what I can do to serve you better, it isn’t about me. I want to inspire and encourage you to Explore Beyond The Usual

Here is what he said

Even the recent talk of “our big tree” has me pondering the relatively brief nature of our lives. As immense as that tree is, our best guess that it is “only” around a hundred years old. The average life span for a tree like this is around 700 years old…and if growing conditions are ideal (and they are in this instance)…it may live for 2000 years. It dawned on me this past Summer, as I sat beneath the redwood that I would not live to see this tree at it’s peak…not even close. Distant generations of my family MAY have the honour of doing so. But it will outlive so many of us – we are brief blips in the timescale in comparison to this beautiful giant. This concept is a sobering one to me.

Many things in my life right now are confirming that my decision to seek <BEYONDTHEUSUAL> was the right one. The need to EMBRACE LIFE and MAKE THIS LIFETIME COUNT has never felt stronger for me than right now. It’s a hard thing to explain…but this growing realization feels POWERFUL inside of me.

I followed this up with the benefits of using social media as a journal for ourselves in my response.

The therapeutic exercise of just putting words to a post makes them “real” and allows you to work through the feeling and reflect on it. Be it small talk on silly things or life changing simple moments in time, put them down here. Expect no response and don’t feel obligated to respond to anything, this is for you to work through being a Mindful steward on a journey for yourself. Only you control your reactions to the world as it unfolds each day, you can’t control anything and we are fools to think we can so let’s do our best to act mindfully as those ups, downs and heck sometimes sideways come shooting at us.

I hope this slows you down and has you thinking as deeply as I was, heck even a bit afraid of the future. I let that fear grow into passion for a new start.

Put a plan in place to set your next chapter on course and start LIVING life and embrace the NOW. Go forward everyday being MINDFUL and INSPIRE others.

Your Friend


Join the discussion 8 Comments

  • Barb Sprigings says:

    This on a bridge in Saskatoon: “Live a life you don’t need a vacation from”
    Think you are doing just that !

  • Colleen Lusk says:

    Hi Chris,
    You say you moved across the country! My husband and I retired from teaching last June and moved to Vancouver Island in December. We had lived just north of Toronto and I was born there. After three separate trips to Van Isle over a 10 year period we decided we would relocate when we retired. Like you, I feel a very strong pull to reconnect with nature. I have an art studio and am inspired by the beauty that surrounds me in my daily life. It is good for the soul. I love all your posts. Keep up the great work!

    • Chris says:

      Colleen thanks so much for your comments and I agree , I just knew we had to be here. I don’t think I was ever do certain of something. Appreciate the kind words on the blog posts too 🙂

  • JR says:

    I’m 45, married with 2 kids, living in suburban Indianapolis. The die is cast for me. I’m not happy about it, but I have only myself to blame for my situation. I have a Masters degree, but I’m basically stuck here until retirement or death – whichever comes first. I’m accepting my fate. Still, I will always support others in their dreams/quests/goals because I know full well how painful it is to lose one. I’m fairly dead inside but have to keep going long enough to make sure the kids are on the right path. Good luck!

    • Chris says:

      Hang in there JR , we can make the most of our location and situation if we work towards changing our outlook. Reflect on the positives and focus on those for just one day, see how the day goes. If you feel a change then try it again a second day, possibly a snowball effect can be created. Also look at trying something new to see if it creates some energy of new invigoration for your spirit. Thank you for sharing your deep feelings and know that I wish you the best.

  • Julie says:

    Well said. You have yourself a new follower 🙂

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