After a long run of trips and activities on the island it was time for a quick road trip back to the Prairies as Jaiden wanted to visit friends and figured what the heck , let’s go.
We got up nice and early and caught the ferry to Vancouver and did a marathon trip driving non-stop to Estevan with a short 4 hr sleep at the Saskatchewan border. A highlight of the trip was a cool refreshing rain shower in Banff after the lack of rain and heat the island has been experiencing .
We spent our time catching up with family and friends as well the usual checking on our stores. The high point of the trip for Jaiden and I had to be heading out to the local Motocross race and seeing our “Moto Family” where we were greeted back warmly after being absent for almost two years.
I of course couldn’t resist abs begged , borrowed and stole everything needed to race. I had a blast and even secured a 5th place trophy after almost 2 yrs not riding….. I guess this old dog still has it.
We really enjoyed our week on the Prairies but Vancouver Island has gotten into our hearts and it was time to head home . On the way home we once again were treated to a typically strong thunderstorm Alberta style .

Once past Calgary it was the home stretch of the Rockies where I spend the whole time drooling over peaks, gullies and ridges dreaming of climbing them all.
Eventually through into BC and finally the ocean, a welcome sight.

Serene Horseshoe Bay
We loaded onto the Ferry bound for Departure Bay with the beautiful sailing across the Georgia Strait, the west coast is a special place , it is indeed Beautiful BC. Upon arrival a short 35 minute drive and we were home in Chemainus.
A day to settle back in and then it’s off to climb a mountain again. Until my next post , get out and do something #BeyondTheUsual