As my family and I get closer to our moving date next week the amount of packed moving boxes continues to grow. The most interesting upside to this state of daily living is that I haven’t had to dig through any boxes to live my daily life and the sparse furnishings in our home doesn’t seem any less cozy. This realization led to a conversation tonight with my wife that when we move we should try not to unpack the boxes as I told her about the great challenge I read from the Minimalists on their websites. They boxed up their entire apartment and then for the next month they only went into those boxes to get items as they required them. At the end of the month they sold, donated or garbaged all that remained and from that point on embraced a life of minimalism. I feel the same way now and feel excited everyday to see what we can get rid of prior to the move and I think I am even more excited for when we arrive on Vancouver Island and settle into our new home as a chance to start fresh.
So here is to my personal challenge for our move, keep freeing ourselves of clutter and excess prior to the move. Then upon arrival not open those boxes and see what we really need to live a happy minimal life for the next month.