As an outdoor enthusiast you are able to have an internal dialogue with yourself. You have the quiet time free of distraction from the internet and work to reflect on how you look at life. To review new ways of thinking and behaving and then how to implement them into your daily routine.
Running solo through the forest or to a mountain peak. Riding your mountain bike with a group of friends on your favourite trail. Walking along the beach at low tide with your family.
These are all opportunities to put a fresh plan together to live your life in a better , happier way.
Here are 6 steps to start improving happiness today when you choose to use the Outdoors as your medium for change.
- Happiness should be SIMPLE, accomplishments & money don’t define you.
- Be a MINDFUL EXPLORER, aware of how you react to the outdoors & people.
- Always Explore Beyond the Usual , learn from the journey and have fun.
- Reach out to new people, we learn so much by listening and interacting openly.
- Speak with enthusiasm and happiness when you do – POSITIVITY
- Live in the Moment and be an example for others – INSPIRE
Here is the terrific video from Salomon Running that I felt so connected to and allowed me to reflect on the path I am on. To ensure my actions or still in line with my beliefs and I know they will work for you too.
Please enjoy it and think of those 6 steps we just reviewed along with the dialogue of the video.
I challenge you to not feel inspired and smiling by the end.
Now go out there and Explore Beyond The Usual , be happy and inspire others.How do you plan to do this?
Introduce 1 person a week to the outdoors..take them for a hike