The Modern Battleground

Let’s go for a holiday , wait I have to check my accrued vacations.

The local youth centre needs volunteers, wait I need to work to pay the bills.

Let’s spend more time as a family and do things that feed our positivity, is the mortgage paid?

Let’s work together on the stores and support each other, what about that nice paycheque I would be leaving?

Cowichan Valley



In today’s society it seems that all the questions we have or the decisions for today or tomorrow boil down to money. Money can be a positive word in some cases but really it comes across as important as the air we breathe and as heavy of a burden as a multi-day  hiking backpack. The battle we wage war with is how we decide to let money control our lives.

I have worked very hard over the past couple of years to prepare myself for the future. I have read terrific websites from the likes of Mr MoneyMustache , Becoming Minimalist and Jim Collins which speak about putting an end to being , well, stupid with our hard earned money. An awakening to control our lives and use money as the tool to live it more freely rather than it control us. I have put these principles in place and am at the cusp of executing them to the next level….. but the fear of “what if’s” and the power of money has tightened the strangle hold.

Living on Vancouver Island creates a fresh awareness to the world around me and has fuelled the desire to seek change. I have grown disconnected from the world I once knew and want to embrace the one before me here in my new home amongst the beautiful wild of VanIsle and the beautiful souls that call it home.

To make this change, to stay and invest myself into our island shop, to invest myself more to my family, to nurture my friendships that have grown deeper, to strengthen my volunteer efforts for organizations that call to me and to seek new opportunities I need to say no to money. I need to have faith that things will be ok and just go for it.

Spring is nearing , a time of rebirth and growth…..will it be my time to be reborn?




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  • Barb sprigings says:

    Well said, positive and practical. For most of my prime time life, the work world controlled me. Running, skiing and later some yoga kept my mind at peace – provided some balance at time. I missed out on time with family. But there were rewards too and the job was good. Life isn’t perfect – damn it all.

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